PrettySpecial Weighted Blankets and Things Mon, 12 Oct 2020 12:37:39 +0000 en-US hourly 1 SitePad ADHD & Problems with sleeping Wed, 29 Jan 2020 10:31:36 +0000


We all need 7-9 hours of sleep per night to function at our best during the day, however people who have ADHD struggle to fall asleep and stay asleep.

As you already feel tired and with tiredness your ADHD symptoms get worse, this in turn makes it harder to fall asleep the following night. The cycle then repeats and repeats. 

One study found that 67% of people with ADHD had difficulty getting a good night’s sleep.

How does ADHD cause sleeplessness?

Common challenges you’ll face if you have ADHD and cannot sleep include:

Not keeping a time schedule:

People with ADHD are often easily distracted and have difficulty stopping something they’ve already started, like a project they’re working on or tuning out other interruptions and just go to bed. Then, even when you are in bed it’s a struggle to calm your mind enough to relax and fall asleep.


The medications prescribed for ADHD have side-effects themselves and can make sleeping more difficult. Add to that a diet containing sugar, coffee or tea and you have a recipe for disaster.

Other conditions

People who have ADHD often also have depression, anxiety, mood disorders or substance abuse problems that can make falling asleep that much harder. 

Sleep Disorders

ADHD experts often check on sleeping problems at the point of diagnosis as it is so common.

It’s much more than experiencing a bad night’s sleep. It can rob you of your rest and cause you to be more distractible and impulsive during the day.





Disorders related to Circadian rhythm

Your body functions on a 24 hour clock and makes adjustments related to how much or how little light and darkness you’re being exposed to. Melatonin is released based on this function and sometimes the body is out of sync with this cycle, resulting in a lack of melatonin production at the correct time of the day.

Bright lights from your phone, tv and other smart gadgets can disturb and throw off your body’s inner clock.


People with sleep apnea have intermittent breathing throughout the night. This of course disturbs your sleep and you wake up feeling tired. People with ADHD often also have sleep apnea or some other breathing problem while sleeping.

Untreated sleep apnea can cause hypertension, stroke, or heart failure.


RLS or Restless Leg Syndrome is also a common experience for those with ADHD . The feeling is described as a throbbing, aching, pulling or itching sensation inside the legs. These sensations rarely affect the arms, the chest or head.  Although these sensations can occur on just one side of the body, both sides are often affected, and can also alternate between sides and often range in severity from uncomfortable, to irritating, to painful.


Possible Solutions

Consulting your doctor would be your first point of call if you have ADHD and have trouble sleeping.

There might be a need for a sleep study or a change in medication to see if there are any underlying causes for your lack of sleep.

Barring this, your ADHD symptoms could be the cause and you could greatly improve your chances of getting more sleep by following these habits:


* Do not take a nap 4 hours before bedtime.

* Do not drink caffeine 4 hours before bedtime.

* Have a calming bedroom environment before sleeping.

* Adjust your bedtime to be the same every day.

* Make sure your bed is comfortable and your room is dark and quiet.

* Avoid looking at any screen (TVs, smartphones, etc.) and other electronic media in the evening before bedtime.

* Of course we would recommend a weighted blanket as a sleep aid for a number of reasons and you’ll find them here

and here, but remember that a weighted blanket is an aid and the habits mentioned above should be followed, as well as a consultation with your doctor first.

For more information please feel free to email us directly to

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Weighted Blankets for the Classroom and School Fri, 03 Jan 2020 09:34:07 +0000


A weighted blanket is kept in the classroom as a means of support for children who sometimes need to calm themselves after playtime or if they have anxiety or stress at any period during the day.

A child would return to their classroom after break time or P.E class for example, after being engaged in high energy activities for a prolonged period of time. The child might find it difficult to transition back to a quieter moment to get back to their class work.

This is very common in many children where it takes very long for them to settle down again.

This is where the weighted blanket comes into use. The child can go to a quiet part of the classroom and use it to sit or lay down with as a wrap, until they feel able to continue with a quieter pace of activities. 


In a similar way weighted lap pads can be an amazing sensory tool or toy to help improve your child’s attention, focus, or ability to calm down and relax. They can also improve your child’s body awareness and prevents sensory meltdowns, tantrums and aggression.

Read more about about the function of a lap pad in the classroom here




Back to School for Autism, ADHD, and Other Challenges

Back-to-school can be a challenging time for children and families who live with autism or other conditions such as ADHD, that can make the school experience a lot more difficult than it already is.

Using a weighted blanket in the classroom to provide extra support can make all the difference to how a child experiences this important part of their day.

Weighted lap pads and blankets are sensory tools that promote regulation, calming, and refocusing. When used in combination with a sensory diet plan, these tools are wonderful classroom additions to help children with seated posture and seated attention.

Preschool teachers especially find lap pads and weighted blanket most helpful in keeping little bodies in seated positions on the carpet for story time.


People who benefit from Deep Touch Pressure include those diagnosed with (but not limited to):

* Attention Deficit Disorder (ADHD)

* Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)

* Psychiatric disorders  (mood disorder, depression, anxiety, dementia, post-traumatic stress disorder)

* Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD).


The benefits of weighted therapy far outweigh the conditions above. Many schools are using it as a tool to help all children cope with the activities of a full school day, and at PrettySpecial, we have sold weighted blankets and lap pads to a number of schools around South Africa, including H. Moross Adolescent School in Sandton and Canaan Care Centre in East London.


We do offer special rates for schools, so for more information on this or if you wish to purchase one for your child to get them geared up for 2020, please contact us via our order page or simply email us at


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The Realities of Depression Mon, 23 Dec 2019 11:31:49 +0000


Depression is medically considered to be a mood disorder. 

It’s often described as having feelings of sadness, loss or anger which can impair a person’s daily activities, and it is more common than you think.


According to statistics released by the South African Depression and Anxiety Group (SADAG), at least 1 in 6 South Africans suffer from anxiety, depression or substance-use problems (not including other conditions like bipolar disorder or schizophrenia)

According to research, over 40% of people living with HIV in South Africa have a diagnosable mental disorder. A study done by UCT’s Department of Psychiatry and Mental Health indicates that, in low-income and informal settlements surrounding Cape Town, one in three women suffers from postnatal depression, while research from rural KwaZulu-Natal shows that 41% of pregnant women are depressed – more than three times higher than the prevalence in developed countries.


In low-income and informal settlements surrounding Cape Town, 1 in 3 women suffer from postnatal depression, indicated by study done by UCT’s Department of Psychiatry and Mental Health , while research from rural KwaZulu-Natal shows that depression in pregnant women in SA are more than three times higher than in developed countries, as much as 41% 


People experience depression in many ways – It may lower productivity at work, and can also influence relationships and chronic health conditions.


Conditions that can get worse due to depression include: 

* arthritis

* asthma

* cardiovascular disease

* cancer

* diabetes

* obesity


It’s important to know that feeling sad and down at times is a normal part of life. 

Upsetting and sad events happen to all the time, but if you’re feeling down or hopeless regularly you could be dealing with depression.

Depression is considered a serious medical condition that can worsen without proper treatment. Those who seek treatment often see improvements in symptoms in just a few weeks.


Symptoms of Depression

Depression can be more than a constant state of sadness or feeling “down.”

Major depression can cause many symptoms affecting not only your mood, but also your body. These symptoms may come and go or be constant. The symptoms of depression can affect men, women and children all differently.


Symptoms men may experience:

* Anger, aggressiveness, irritability, anxiousness, restlessness

* Emptiness, sadness, hopelessness, loss of interest in favourite activities, feeling tired easily, thoughts of suicide, drinking excessively, using drugs, engaging in high-risk activities

* Reduced sexual desire, Inability to concentrate, difficulty completing tasks, delayed responses during conversations

* Insomnia, restless sleep, excessive sleepiness, not sleeping through the night

* Fatigue, pains, headache, digestive problems


Symptoms women may experience:

* Irritability, sadness, emptiness, anxiousness or hopelessness

* Lack of interest in activities, withdrawing from social engagements, thoughts of suicide

* Thinking or talking slower than normal

* Insomnia, decreased energy, greater fatigue, changes in appetite, weight changes, aches, pain, headaches, increased cramps


Symptoms children may experience:

* Irritability, anger, mood swings, crying, feelings of incompetence (e.g. “I can’t do anything right”), intense sadness

* Behavioural symptoms like getting into trouble at school or refusing to go to school

* Avoiding friends or siblings, thoughts of death or suicide

* Difficulty concentrating, decline in school performance

* Lack of sleep or sleeping too much

* Loss of energy, digestive problems, changes in appetite, weight loss or gain


The symptoms of depression can extend beyond your mind.

These seven physical symptoms of depression prove that depression isn’t just all in your head.


Causes of Depression

The causes of depression range from biological to circumstantial.


Common causes for Depression are: 

* Family history. If depression or another mood disorder runs in your family, you will have a higher risk of suffering from it.

* Early childhood trauma. How your body reacts to fear and stressful situations may be due to early traumatic events.

* Brain structure. Depression is more prevalent where the frontal lobe of your brain is less active. However, scientists are still researching if this comes before or after experiencing the symptoms of depression.

* Medical conditions. Certain chronic illnesses may put you at higher risk, as well as insomnia, chronic pain, or ADHD.

* Drug use. A history of drug or alcohol abuse could affect your risk.


About 21 percent of people who have a substance use problem also experience depression.


In addition to these causes, other risk factors for depression include: 

* low self-esteem or being self-critical

* personal history of mental illness

* certain medications

* stressful events, such as loss of a loved one, economic problems, or a divorce 


Many factors can influence feelings of depression, as well as who develops the condition and who doesn’t.

The causes of depression are often tied to other elements of your health.


Treatment for Depression

Living with depression can be difficult, but treatment can help improve your quality of life. 

By consulting your councillor or therapist you may successfully manage symptoms with one form of treatment, or you may find that a combination of treatments work best for you.


According to, it’s common to combine medical treatments and lifestyle therapies, including the following:

Medication, psychotherapy, light therapy, alternative therapies, exercise, avoiding alcohol and drugs, and taking good care of yourself.


Natural treatment for depression

Traditional depression treatment uses a combination of prescription medication and counseling. But there are also alternative or complementary treatments you can try, including supplements, vitamins and essential oils.


For more information on clinical depression and to seek advice, please contact







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5 Reasons why a Weighted blanket makes the perfect Christmas gift Tue, 03 Dec 2019 09:55:44 +0000
small close-up-of-illuminated-christmas-tree-and-a-baby-249209



This is the one gift that truly keeps on giving.

The benefits of using a weighted blanket are endless and can last a lifetime. 



The soothing effect of a weighted blanket can create a more comfortable environment for falling asleep by imitating the feeling of being swaddled tightly in bed. This close physical connection provides a sense of warmth and safety, making it easier for the body to relax.

Therapists and doctors around the world continue to recommend the use of weighted therapy to their patients.



Roll it up in your suitcase and use it on the flight back home, or pack it in your car boot for your drive home to replenish, rejuvenate and recover your muscles from doing all those touristy things you got up to on your holiday. Not to mention getting that much needed rest when you finally reach your destination.



We all know what our kids are like at family gatherings over the festive season.

If your kids are anything like ours and they’re around their cousins and aunties they haven’t seen since last Christmas, things can get a bit busy…

All it takes is too many chocolate truffles or that extra bowl of Christmas pudding to send them into overdrive.

A weighted blanket will help calm their minds and bodies at the end of a busy day of playing, nibbling, video games and all the other activities they struggle to switch off from when it’s time to go to bed.



Both hugs and heavy blankets trigger the release of oxytocin, a hormone that slows down your heart rate, reduces blood pressure, and promotes feelings of relaxation.

Hugs boost your heart health, may protect you against illness and help relieve your pain. Read more about the proven benefits of hugging here.

And let’s face it, young or old,  a nice, warm hug makes all the difference at Christmas time.



Just use the promo code FEST19 when ordering here

For any further enquiries don’t hesitate to contact us at

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5 Reasons why everyone should have a Weighted Blanket Thu, 12 Sep 2019 11:19:39 +0000
Cat sleeping



Weighted blankets provide deep touch pressure or DTP. DTP is about gently applying pressure to the body to increase the release of serotonin, a chemical in the body that promotes relaxation.The pressure from the weight causes the body to produce serotonin and endorphins, chemicals our bodies naturally use to feel relaxed or calm.



Heavy blankets are mostly used for those with autism or sensory processing disorder, but more and more often they are being used for those with sleeping disorders, like insomnia or restless leg syndrome, as well as people who simply would like to improve their sleep overall.

The soothing effect of a weighted blanket can create a more comfortable environment for falling asleep by imitating the feeling of being swaddled tightly in bed. This close physical connection provides a sense of warmth and safety, making it easier for the body to relax.

A Study from Journal of Sleep Medicine & Disorders (2015) found that a weighted blanket helped those with insomnia sleep better, simply because it helped them feel more settled before bed.



A weighted blanket is a safe way to lower your stress level and help you reach a relaxed state.

The “relaxed state” results from serotonin production, which is necessary to release melatonin — the sleep hormone, which helps determine when we go to sleep and wake up based on our circadian rhythm.

This means it’ll be faster to fall asleep, reduce anxiety, go into deeper sleep, and move less throughout the night.



Heavy blankets trigger the release of oxytocin, a hormone that slows down your heart rate, reduces blood pressure, and promotes feelings of relaxation.

By applying Deep Touch Pressure to the body to increase the release of serotonin, this in turn relaxes the nervous system and then causes a chain reaction in the body that releases an overall sense of calm and peace. Benefits include reduced pain, better sleep, improved focus, lower anxiety levels, and improved social interaction. 



Weighted blankets have a long history of use in a type of occupational therapy called Sensory Integration therapy. This treatment is used to help people with autism and other disorders to focus on sensory experiences which experts say may boost these individuals’ ability to regulate their emotions and behaviour. Weighted blankets are one tool therapists use to provide “deep-touch pressure.”

Deep-Touch pressure helps to calm that arousal level in the system and to help with self-regulation.

It also has been proven to assist with general anxiety, repetitive and obsessive-compulsive behaviors; oppositional and aggressive  behaviors; sleep related difficulties; depression and autism spectrum conditions.

For more information or to place an order, please email us to or visit our contact to order form.


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Can a weighted blanket help with PTSD? Wed, 04 Sep 2019 14:55:15 +0000

Post-traumatic stress disorder or PTSD occurs immediately or months after experiencing a traumatic event. It may even show up many years later. Fear, anxiety and emotional stress give rise to sleep disturbances which can negatively affect your work and family life.

Those who have PTSD experience flashbacks, nightmares, insomnia, emotional numbness and distress, they are easily angered and feel jumpy and alert all of the time.

According to  it’s important to understand that PTSD is considered to be a psychological injury rather than a mental illness.

Neuroanatomical studies have identified changes in major brain structures of those with PTSD — the amygdala and hippocampus – showing that there are significant physical changes within the brain as a result of trauma.

These brain changes from PTSD, particularly if not diagnosed yet, can make life seem very confusing, and understanding your own mind can become almost impossible.


As the PTSD Journal reports, using a weighted blanket not only helps with PTSD and anxiety, but also stress, insomnia and many other conditions. This is crucial for those who may find themselves experiencing over-tiredness, hyper vigilance and raised cortisol levels at bedtime.


Relaxation techniques, prescription medication and group therapy are typical treatments for PTSD, but using a PrettySpecial weighted blanket can assist with a natural way to curb mood swings and restore your sleep.

The weighted blanket molds to your body like a nice, warm hug. The Deep Touch Pressure (DTP) also helps relax the nervous system and is an effective non-drug therapy alternative.  Equivalent to the benefits of a massage, the pressure applied to the body encourages the natural production of serotonin.

Psychiatric, trauma, geriatric, and paediatric hospital units use weighted blankets to calm a patient’s anxiety and promote deep, restful sleep. Crescent Clinic in Cape Town has been actively using our weighted blankets as a means to calm patients while doing group or one on one therapy.


For more information or to order your PrettySpecial weighted blanket, please go to our order form, or simply email us directly at, we deliver straight to your door, throughout South Africa.

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Why Weighted Blankets are perfect for Athletic Recovery Fri, 02 Aug 2019 07:56:52 +0000


When working out in the gym, running a marathon or doing any sport where you’re pushing yourself to the limit, you need to replenish your body’s resources – and that includes rest. Weighted blankets are proven to improve sleep and fight insomnia, and good sleep can speed up athletic recovery by allowing the body to rest more fully, allowing the muscles to completely relax, restore and revitalise themselves. 


How Do Weighted Blankets Speed Up Recovery?

Weighted blankets work by providing firm, Deep Touch Pressure Stimulation, or DTP. According to the Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology  “Deep touch pressure is the type of surface pressure that is exerted in most types of firm touching, holding, stroking, petting of animals, or swaddling.”

The weighted filling inside the blanket produces a stroking, soothing tactile sensation when you move. Like a hug, it stimulates the release of serotonin and melatonin, decreasing anxiety and ultimately leading to deeper sleep. Dr. Temple Grandin, PhD, who lives with autism spectrum disorder, was one of the first to point out the benefits of deep-touch pressure provided by weighted blankets to help relax overstressed nervous systems.


The PrettySpecial Weighted Recovery Blanket weighs around 5.5kg and is the size of our Toddler blanket – 80cm x 120cm. So it’s perfect to use when you’ve just finished a long run or won that gruelling rugby match. It’s just the right size and weight to wrap around your legs or shoulders. It’s also not too heavy or too large to carry with you and can be easily rolled up and put in your gym bag.


This message came from an avid runner who frequently runs marathons:

“ I can say for sure that after a long run, having that weight on your legs feels awesome, it’s like a constant massage.”

If you’re thinking about trying a weighted recovery blanket please feel free to email us at or message us here, we deliver straight to your door, throughout South Africa.

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Can a Weighted Blanket help with the symptoms of Fibromyalgia? Tue, 30 Jul 2019 10:11:58 +0000


The chronic condition known as fibromyalgia affects tens of thousands of South Africans. 

According to saga.orgthe medical profession, and also the medical aid industry, do not take this condition seriously.

In fact, doctors are fond of telling patients who suffer endless body pain as a result of this condition that they are “imagining it” and that they should “get over it and get lots of sleep and exercise”.

The medical view of the condition hasn’t changed despite the fact that thousands of South Africans experience endless pain and sensitivity all over their bodies, and doctors and specialists alike are happy to deduce that these people have “dreamt” up this illness.

Like many other chronic pain conditions currently, there is no cure for fibromyalgia. Certain pharmaceuticals can help to relieve the symptoms but patients continually report mixed results. The side effects caused by fibromyalgia medication are often just as bad as the pain caused by the condition itself.


What is Fibromyalgia? defines Fibromyalgia is a disorder characterized by widespread musculoskeletal pain accompanied by fatigue, sleep, memory and mood issues. Researchers believe that fibromyalgia amplifies painful sensations by affecting the way your brain processes pain signals.

Symptoms sometimes begin after a physical trauma, surgery, infection or significant psychological stress. In other cases, symptoms gradually accumulate over time with no single triggering event.

Women are more likely to develop fibromyalgia than are men. Many people who have fibromyalgia also have tension headaches, temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders, irritable bowel syndrome, anxiety and depression.


Symptoms of fibromyalgia include:

  • Widespread pain. 
  • Fatigue. 
  • Cognitive difficulties.


Fibromyalgia often co-exists with other painful conditions, such as:

  • Irritable bowel syndrome
  • Migraine and other types of headaches
  • Interstitial cystitis or painful bladder syndrome
  • Temporomandibular joint disorders


How can a weighted blanket help?


An Increase in Serotonin

Researchers believe that by boosting serotonin, fibromyalgia sufferers may experience a reduction in these symptoms. Weighted therapy can help increase the levels of Serotonin and Melatonin overnight. The soothing effect of a weighted blanket can create a more comfortable environment for falling asleep by imitating the feeling of being swaddled tightly in bed. The “relaxed state” results from serotonin production, which is necessary to release melatonin – the sleep hormone.

Researchers also found that deep touch pressure significantly decreases cortisol levels. After applying deep pressure, cortisol levels dropped by 31%.


A Reduction in Anxiety & Fatigue

PrettySpecial weighted blankets use Deep Touch Pressure, which trigger the release of neurotransmitters like dopamine and serotonin, which are the two major feel-good hormones for your brain. Both these beneficial compounds can combat stress, depression, and anxiety. This means it’ll be faster to fall asleep, reduce anxiety, go into a deeper sleep, and move less throughout the night.


Help Manage Pain

Understandably, pain takes a tremendous toll on fibromyalgia patients. Prescription medication can cause long-term negative health problems and so many sufferers prefer alternative ways to relieve their pain. This is where a weighted blanket may help. By applying Deep Touch Pressure to the body to increase the release of serotonin, this in turn relaxes the nervous system and then causes a chain reaction in the body that releases an overall sense of calm and peace. Benefits include reduced pain, better sleep, improved focus, lower anxiety levels, and improved social interaction. 


An Improvement in Mood

As said previously, the release of dopamine and serotonin not only relaxes the nervous system, but also gives you an emotional pick-me-up after a quick snuggle session, imitating a nice, warm HUG. By the way, both hugs and heavy blankets also trigger the release of oxytocin, a hormone that slows down your heart rate, reduces blood pressure, and promotes feelings of relaxation, improving your mood overall.

If you think a PrettySpecial weighted blanket can help you and would like to try one, please feel free to contact us here or simply drop us an email at


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Weighted blankets for Bipolar Disorder Thu, 11 Jul 2019 12:26:23 +0000


Bipolar disorder, also known as manic depression, is a mental illness that displays extreme high and low moods. Changes in sleep, energy, thinking, and behaviour are also evident. 

Bipolar Disorder is often clouded with misconception as symptoms can rapidly shift from one extreme to the other.  Severe mood swings are the most noticeable symptoms of the disorder which can disrupt the daily functioning of a person or family.

When in a manic state, the person displays restlessness, impulsiveness, confusion, and angers quickly, while the change to a depressive state leaves the person feeling saddened, fatigued, unfocused, and unable to sleep. Causes for bipolar disorder are often genetic, but are also attributed to an imbalance in brain chemistry or stress from traumatic events.

The long-term effects can be maintained with antidepressant medication and psychotherapy.

Although it’s not a definite cure, psychotherapy teaches the person experiencing the disorder to recognise when he or she is having an episode of manic or depressive feelings in order to seek appropriate treatment.

How a weighted blanket can help

The way in which weighted blankets, and weighted therapy in general can help, is similar to the way it helps with depression and anxietyIt has been found that due to the nature of the disorder, weighted blankets may be most appropriate and effective as a sleep aide. Supplementing prescription medication with a PrettySpecial weighted blanket can calm the user with deep touch pressure stimulation, or DTP. The pressure from the weighted blanket relieves muscle tension just as a massage might and also has a calming, reassuring sensation – just like a nice, warm hug from a loved one.

There are ongoing clinical trials on the relationship between clinical depression and bipolar disorder, as well as the role serotonin plays in treating these disorders.

Deep touch pressure triggers the release of neurotransmitters like dopamine and serotonin, which are the two major feel-good hormones for your brain. Both these beneficial compounds can combat stress, depression, and anxiety, giving you an emotional pick-me-up after a good night’s rest.

Improvement in the quality of sleep can also increase the potential for other forms of treatment and increase the management of symptoms overall.

To find out more or if you would like to order a weighted product, you can go to our Contact page or email us at

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Can weighted blankets fight Insomnia? Wed, 26 Jun 2019 13:09:33 +0000
weighted blankets fro Insomnia


Weighted blankets are most commonly used for those with autism or sensory processing disorder, but more and more often today they are being used for those with sleeping disorders, like insomnia, restless leg syndrome or people who would simply like to improve their sleep overall.


The calming effect of a weighted blanket can create a more comfortable environment for falling asleep.

This is done by imitating the feeling of being swaddled tightly in bed. The swaddling effect is a close physical connection, providing a sense of warmth and safety, making it easier for the body to relax.

A Study from Journal of Sleep Medicine & Disorders  found that a weighted blanket helped those with insomnia sleep better, due to them feeling more relaxed and settled at bedtime.


Psychology Today recently published an article in response to a radio interview being conducted in the USA regarding the benefits of weighted blankets and how it could help fight insomnia. The Psychologist talking on the subject,  Dr.John Cline, Ph.D, is a licensed psychologist, fellow of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine, and diplomate of the American Board of Sleep Medicine. He is on the professional staffs of the Sleep Disorders Centers of Connecticut; Behavioral Health Consultants, LLC; and Metta Consulting, LLC.

He referred to the study conducted in 2015 in Sweden where they used blankets that were commercially available and had previously been used with elderly individuals living in nursing homes and with patients who had autism spectrum disorders. The weighted blankets could be used with another quilt either over or under them. 

Like our PrettySpecial 100% full cotton blankets, the study blankets were not thick and did not provide much additional warmth. The blankets were tested in three different weights: 6 kg, 8 kg, or 10 kg. Participants were allowed to choose their preferred weight and the most commonly chosen was the 8 kg version.

Participants had to have an existing complaint of chronic insomnia. If they were taking sleep medication immediately prior to the study they could keep taking it throughout. People with recent onset insomnia, sleep apnea, untreated metabolic disorders, and high blood pressure were excluded. 

There were 31 participants, including 20 women and 11 men. The study was conducted with participants sleeping in their usual setting. There was a week-long pre-test baseline period, a two-week period of nightly use of the weighted blanket, and then a one-week post-test period in their normal setting but without use of the weighted blanket.


The results were quite interesting in that, on average, length of sleep was significantly increased by the use of the weighted blanket. Additionally, movement during the night was reduced with the blanket – see our recent article on RLS.

For participants already using sleeping medication, the time to fall asleep and time spent in bed were reduced when using the blanket. Sleep time was reduced and activity level was increased during the post-test period when the blankets were no longer used. 


For the 20 participants who liked using the blanket: 


1. Wakefulness during the night was reduced and total sleep time was increased. 

2. Quality of sleep was judged to be better when using the weighted blanket. 

3. In general, the blankets had a positive effect on sleep for participants with chronic insomnia, especially when they enjoyed using the blanket and if they were already taking sleeping medication. 


In conclusion it was found that weighted blankets were effective in promoting quality and quantity of sleep for participants with mild to moderate insomnia who had some excessive daytime sleepiness. Thus, these blankets could be beneficial in patients with general insomnia and mild sleep problems. Physiological arousal may be reduced by the effectiveness of deep touch pressure and consistent sensory input, as provided by the weighted blanket, which facilitates relaxation into sleep. 

This was seen in a reduction in nocturnal movement of participants while using the blankets. It is important to note that not everyone liked using the blankets. The mid-weight blanket was most often chosen by participants, and the positive effects only occurred while the blankets were used and not after usage had stopped. Weighted blankets may indeed be an effective, complementary, non-pharmacological intervention for patients with chronic insomnia.


If you think a PrettySpecial weighted blanket is the right choice for you and would like to try one, please feel free to contact us here.

Or simply drop us an email at

We deliver directly to your door, anywhere in South Africa.



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